
Dear Deidre FAQs – How to send your problem to The Sun’s agony aunt

Over the past 45 years, Dear Deidre has become the nation’s most trusted advice column, helping more than half a million readers who have shared their problems.

No matter what is troubling you, whether you’re having a hard time blending your family, you suspect your partner is cheating on you, or perhaps you’re concerned about a loved one’s addiction, the unique service answers every single email with a free, confidential and personalised response. 

Are the problems on the Dear Deidre problem page real?

People ask this all the time and the answer is, yes, they are all real.

Each letter is from a real reader but is treated confidentially and all identifying features are changed so that you are protected.

If I send in my problem, will I get a personal reply?

Yes. Every genuine problem will receive a personal reply from one of my trained counsellors. The Dear Deidre team aims to answer each problem within one working day. 

Collage of couples arguing and a couple looking at a phone together.


No issue is too large, too small or too embarrasing

Do I have to pay to receive a reply?

No. While the Deidre column is now behind Sun Club, our service still remains completely free.

The average cost of private counselling in the UK is £40-£50 per session, but through writing to us, you can get support completely free of charge.

There aren’t many things in life for free but my problem page service is one.

It’s a gift from The Sun to its readers.


Email me at, private message me on Facebook, Instagram or X, or write to Dear Deidre, The Sun, 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Every problem gets a free personal reply, usually within 24 hrs on weekdays.

Will my personal details be protected?

Your email, social media profile or postal address will not be shared with anyone else and we will only use it to respond to the letter, email or message you send to us

Why are all problems kept anonymous?

Problems are personal and private, so we don’t you print the names and addresses of people who write to us.

It helps people to read about the problems of others and see the advice that I give, but sharing the reader’s identity is not necessary.

What if people I know recognise my problem?

We always change or take out all identifying details before publication to insure this doesn’t happen.

While I may print your problem, your own mother, or husband, or wife, or boss wouldn’t have any idea it was you.

What if I don’t want my problem printed on the problem page?

No problem. If you tell me that you don’t want your problem to be published I will always respect this.

If your letter has a particularly strong or moving story that I think it will help others to read, I may write to you and ask permission to print your problem – with all identifying details changed, of course.

If you say no, then it doesn’t go in. You will still receive a
personal reply from my trained counsellors.

Group photo of six women smiling.


The Dear Deidre team aims to answer each message within one working day.

Can I send my problem anonymously?

If you want to receive a response we obviously need an email address, social media account or postal address to reply to you.

If you’re worried, you can open a free email account with Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo or social media account on Facebook, Instagram or X just for writing to me.

We do occasionally receive postal letters with no name or return address, begging that a reply to the problem be printed on the problem page.

While I help where I can, I receive hundreds of problems each week and can only select a few for publication. So there’s no guarantee your problem will be printed.

If you’re worried about receiving a reply at your home, it’s better if you can send me a ‘safe’ address of a relative or friend or neighbour.

Or you could send me an email from a friend’s computer or from a local library.

How long do I need to wait for a reply?

Emails will generally get a response within one working day, letters three or four days.

What if my problem is urgent?

Letters and emails are scanned as they arrive to pick out really urgent dilemmas such as problem pregnancies, anyone feeling desperate or suicidal, anyone with a court case coming up, debt crisis, imminent weddings and any case involving violence or potential child abuse.

Get in touch with the Dear Deidre team

Every problem gets a personal reply from one of our trained counsellors.

Fill out and submit our easy-to-use and confidential form and the Dear Deidre team will get back to you.

You can also send a private message on the DearDeidreOfficial Facebook page or email us at:

What if you laugh at my problem?

My team and I just want to help.

No issue is too big, too small or too embarrassing and we will always take your problem as seriously as you do yourself and give you the very best help that we can.

Can I write to you more than once?

If you have a worry, of course you can.

Deidre isn’t a one time use service. Life being what it is, it’s likely that you’ll need more advice down the line and we are here to help.

Many readers have been sharing their problems with me for many years, even several generations.

Will my emails always be answered by the same person?

If you’ve written to us in the past, we are usually be able to pass your
problem to the member of the team who replied to you previously.

It’s not always possible however but all my team are hand-picked and trained and will send you a warm and helpful reply no matter who they are.

I always read all the problems and replies, even though I can’t physically write every reply myself.

Can you offer advice for medical problems?

Many of the problems I get sent often have many causes and health worries of one kind or another will usually can be part of that picture.

Telling me about medical problem will help me to understand the different pressures you are under but I’m not a medical professional.

If you are worried about your health then your first step should always be to seek face-to-face expert medical advice.

Similarly, I am not a substitute for seeking proper legal advice but will always try my best to point you in the right direction.

Do you ever get hoax or fake letters?

Yes, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to spot them!

I’m glad to say that we don’t get many, as they take up time which is needed more by those with genuine problems.

Who is behind Dear Deidre?

The column which is now run by Sally Land, after Deidre Sanders retired four years ago.

Sally has over 20 years of experience in writing and editing women’s issues and general features.

She achieved a distinction in the Certificate in Humanistic Integrative Counselling, has specialised in relationships and parenting and is passionate about helping people find a way through their challenges.

Do you work with any charities or organisations?

Sally is a trustee for the charity Family Lives and we also work closely with several charities including Women’s Aid, Family Lives and the NSPCC to ensure readers are getting the best advice.

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