
Endometriosis Pain Can Be Managed By Adding These Seeds To Your Diet

Endometriosis is a painful condition, impacting 1 in 10 women worldwide and currently, there is no cure for the disease.

Some of the most common endometriosis symptoms include painful sex, period cramps and pelvic pain. These symptoms can be managed with surgical intervention, over the counter pain relief and low-inflammatory diets, though the impact of these can change from person to person.

However, according to NHS surgeon and health educator Dr Karan Rajan’s most recent newsletter, there is some hope for endo sufferers as a new study has found that flaxseeds and camomile could help with pain management.

Flaxseeds for endometriosis pain management

Dr Rajan explains: “If your uterus feels like it’s hosting a monthly UFC fight, science might have some mildly good news (no promises).

“A recent clinical trial has given us permission to weaponise breakfast toppings and bedtime tea in the hope that they might provide some symptomatic relief against endometriosis.”

In a small study, researchers in Iran tested two remedies on 102 people with endometriosis. For 8 weeks, participants added chamomile capsules (around 9g or 3 cups of tea worth), flaxseed oil (the equivalent of 2 tbsp of seeds) or placebo pills.

What they found was that those who took chamomile and flaxseeds experienced 38% less pelvic pain than those in the placebo group, 41% less painful sex and cramps were reduced by 33%.

While this is hopeful news, Dr Rajan urges: “An important caveat is that we don’t have a “cure” for endometriosis and many chronic gynaecological conditions.

“Some dietary changes may provide symptomatic relief, as outlined in this trial but equally this may not work for every single person with endometriosis.”

How to add flaxseeds and chamomile to diet

Dr Rajan advises: “If you do end up trying something like this, for ease of consumption, it’s probably easier to go for whole or ground seeds. Two tablespoons daily = 6g fibre (mainly soluble which can help to regulate oestrogen metabolism, bloating & constipation) + lignans that may block inflammatory oestrogen.

“Sprinkle on oatmeal, blend into smoothies, or mix with spite toward the medical industry’s slow progress…”

He also adds a small caution with chamomile: “The study used a nuclear dose (9g extract/day). Until we know if that turns you into a human sedative, start with 1-2 strong cups of tea daily and titrate up as you desire.”

#Endometriosis #Pain #Managed #Adding #Seeds #Diet

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