On Saturday, the price of 24-karat per tola gold in Pakistan dropped by Rs. 200, settling at Rs. 282,400, down from Rs. 282,600 on the previous trading day, according to the All-Pakistan Gems and Jewellers Sarafa Association (APGJSA).
The price of 10 grams of 24-karat gold also fell by Rs. 170, now priced at Rs. 242,112, compared to Rs. 242,282. Similarly, the price of 10 grams of 22-karat gold declined to Rs. 221,944 from Rs. 222,100.
Despite this decrease, 24-karat gold is still approximately Rs. 5,000 below its all-time high of Rs. 287,900 per tola.
Silver prices also saw a dip, with the price of per tola silver decreasing by Rs. 24, settling at Rs. 3,381, while the 10-gram silver grade dropped by Rs. 21 to Rs. 2,898 per tola.
Meanwhile, the international price of gold decreased slightly, by $2, falling from $2,705 to $2,703.
#Gold #Price #Pakistan #sees #minor #drop #close #alltime #high
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