Pakistani former international cricketer Shoaib Akhtar surprised his followers on social media by sharing captures from a meetup with Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor. Posting a photo of a handshake between the two on X, Shoaib wrote, “Lovely meeting you Shahid Kapoor after a long time. Keep doing wonders like you did in Kabir Singh.”
The fast bowler also took to Instagram to share video captures of the moment. Surrounded by curious enthusiasts, the two spent some time conversing with each other, though the interaction was muted by an overlay of a track from Shahid’s film Kabir Singh.
In the second video Shoaib shared, the original audio was present. “Alright so, what do you understand from my conversation with [Shahid Kapoor]. Tell me in the comments,” he encouraged his fans through the caption.
The video began with the two diving into an embrace, accompanied by former Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh. The three men spoke heartily and laughed during inaudible bits of the video, their volumes lowered by the noise in the vicinity. However, no obstacles impacted the sweetness of the moment, and fans seemed to agree.
“Brother, I will always respect you,” an Indian fan informed Shoaib. Recalling the former cricketer’s fond nickname (the Rawalpindi Express), one user noted in admiration, “Shahid with the Express!”
“You are the real pride of our country,” a user gushed. “He is telling you that he is your biggest fan,” another one mused.
The hangout with Shahid has been but one of the many things checked off the 49-year-old cricketer’s roster. Currently serving as the ambassador of the DP World International League T20, Shoaib has been striding through international events with confidence. In a recent video uploaded to Instagram, he showed highlights from the meetup in Dubai.
“Dubai is my second home and [the International League T20] is very close to my heart,” he wrote.
#Shoaib #Akhtar #crosses #paths #Shahid #Kapoor
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