
11 Early Signs Your Relationship Is Quietly Falling Apart

A 2011 meta-analysis of studies found that marriage doesn’t actually make couples happier ― if your relationship with your partner wasn’t great before the big day, their research says, it likely won’t become that way afterwards.

That’s why Evon Inyang, a licensed associate marriage and family therapist and the founder of ForwardUs Counselling previously told HuffPost UK that it’s important not to go along with a failing relationship for the sake of it.

There’s no need to settle for unhappiness “just because invitations have been sent out, the dress has been bought and deposits have been paid,” she wrote.

Still, many of us struggle to recognise when our relationship is “off.” So it’s a good thing u/one-droplet recently asked the netizens of r/AskReddit: “What are the early signs of a failing relationship that most people ignore?”

Here are some of the most-upvoted responses:

1) “Not wanting to talk to them about things you find interesting because you feel their reaction will ruin it.”

2) “In my experience, when you stop imagining a future together, that’s how you know it won’t last.”

Credit: u/PurpleDreamer28

3) “When you love the memories more than the person standing in front of you.”

4) “Only one person doing all the work.”

5) “I used to slow down at work just so I would have to work late even though I wasn’t getting paid for it.”

“Did this for years before I finally decided to leave my ex.”

Credit: u/AwkwardlyTwisted

6) “When you stop arguing with your spouse. Not because things are good but because it doesn’t matter anymore.”

Credit: u/AwkwardlyTwisted

7) “When conversations become minimal or surface-level, it can indicate a deeper disconnect.”

8) “If a partner is too busy for you then they’ve found something more important than you.”

“If you’re of importance to someone, they’ll make time for you.”

9) “Indifference. When you really have no emotional response to each other.”

“This the death of a relationship.”

10) “When you stop sharing the little things — random thoughts, funny memes, or how their day went.”

“When the small talk disappears, the connection starts fading.”

11) “Feeling annoyed when you know you have to see them in the evening. Or when you hear them chewing.”

“Or when they start talking and you just wish they would stop soon. Feeling annoyed when they kiss or hug you or give you affection. You might not even know you are annoyed.

“You just get that heavy feeling in your chest when you have to be in their vicinity. You hear an ‘ugh’ go through your mind.”

Do you agree with these or have any thoughts to add?

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